Today I headed out for a run, I didn't know how far I was going to go but figured I'd would decide on the way. I felt really good but about a mile in started getting really thirsty. I realized that I probably hadn't hydrated enough before the run. I was thinking I'd make it a shorter run then around 3 miles. Then I realized I was next to the Mendicino County offices, which as most public buildings do, have a water fountain. So I jogged in and hydrated a bit. Then I decided to make it a longer run. I didn't follow an iTunes workout this time, I took Shannon's advice and just decided to run. I focused on running a steady pace for 10 minutes then walking for 2 minutes to see how that would feel. I felt really good and felt that I was actually going at a slightly faster past.
I tried to really focus on how my body felt while I was running. I noticed my upper back fatiguing and tried to figure out why. I think I need to improve my posture but I also found that when my back was fatiguing I was tensing my shoulders. I focused on relaxing my shoulders throughout the run. I also noticed that my legs fatigued a lot faster on the concrete sidewalk so I opted to run in the road for as much of the run as I could.
I finished 5.24 miles in over an hour but I feel good about the run. I made the miles and I worked hard. I hit my water spot twice which was a big help! I keep fighting frustration because I want to see improvements instantly. My biggest lesson in this whole process is going to be learning how to be patient. I keep telling myself, "you have plenty of time to get to 26.2." I am really looking forward to getting to the point where I can go for an 8 mile run and run the whole thing. That'll be a 2 margarita day!
How are my girls doing? Shannon seems to be running really consistently and Jocelyn's working hard on getting her body on board. Keep it up ladies!